If you need cheap Ergotron 45 174 300 Neo Flex LCD Arm Extension Grommet Desk Mount you may have to do some research.
The price of Ergotron 45 174 300 Neo Flex LCD Arm Extension Grommet Desk Mount can depend on several things. So if you are looking for cheap Ergotron 45 174 300 Neo Flex LCD Arm Extension Grommet Desk Mount you may need to do some comparison shopping.
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Product Details:
Ergotron 45 174 300 Neo Flex LCD Arm Extension Grommet Desk Mount:
The Neo-Flex LCD Arm is a complement to any office environment and frees up valuable desk space - and adds flexibility to your LCD. Simply push the side button while lifting the display, then position it where you want it. Get ergonomic comfort for a great price. It's ideal for use where multiple people use the same display.PRODUCT FEATURES:Easily position your LCD for maximum comfort and productivity;8" (203 mm) height range enhances ergonomics for multiple users;Easy installation; product ships fully assembled;Provides premium long-life LCD adjustment while maintaining touch-screen stability;Allows LCD to be rotated for portrait/landscape viewing. Clamps to surfaces up to 2" (5.08cm) thick, or mounts through grommet hole up to 2" (5.08cm) wide and 1-3/4" (4.45cm) thick; Patent-pending technology provides premium long-life LCD adjustment while maintaining touch-screen stability; Allows LCD to be rotated for portrait/landscape viewing;Weight capacity may be diminished if monitor depth is greater than 2 inches.
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